Dear Editor,
I would like to take this opportunity to respond to Matt Polin's comments regarding the recent music festival at Mount View (Letters to the Editor, 1/10/14).
Matt responds by saying he is impressed by what he has seen on this occasion, although it was not his age- specific demographic.
I, on the other hand, being a grandmother of two lovely grandchildren who live at Mitchells Road, Mount View, would like to shine another light on this event.
Never do I complain at the opportunity to mind my grandchildren, however to have your grandchildren in tears, pleading with their parents for them to stop the noise, personally I find rather disturbing.
Having to remove your own children from their family home in order to gain day time rest and sleep of a night is absolutely disgraceful.
I personally visited their home on the Saturday afternoon; no wonder they could not attain any form of sleep.
From the moment of arrival I was confronted with offensive levels of noise, which did not cease the whole time I was there.
It would seem monetary gain comes first, families rate second in this local council area.
I for one find this to be an ultimate display of arrogance and disrespect towards local residents and their families by not only council, also by the event.
Aberdare Road, Aberdare.
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