The view at about 2 pm, from just west of Mount Baker Road looking north
along Mount View Road. Mitchells Road is to the left. The driver of the
white four wheel drive was trying to get to work.
About 5:30pm: Not exactly loafing along and not a traffic controller in
sight! The truck is on Mount View Road, headed for Millfield.
A resident of Mitchells Road reported "We are getting told when we can & can't access Mitchells Road", which raised issues with getting to work and dropping children off at school. As Mitchells Road is a single lane dead-end, disruption of residential access is foreseeable. Residents report that they were led to believe that access to their homes would not be impeded. The development consent makes no relevant provision.
A resident of Mount View Road subsequently wrote:
The DA has no restrictions related to residents entering and exiting their properties, neither does the traffic management plan. When I first read the traffic management plan I was surprised that no consideration was taken for local residents, rather they looked at the risks from festival goers entering and exiting in combination with heavy vehicles for deliveries. They stated that the lollipop men would be positioned with walkie talkies at the top and bottom of mt view, it also stated they would stop the flow of traffic when trucks were entering/exiting cedars. This immediately concerned me as my property (aswell as a number of other residential properties) are smack bang in between the two proposed sites for lollipop men. My first thought was what if I drive out of my driveway into an oncoming truck????
Interestingly when I made my way home last night at 6.10pm the positioned lollipop men did not have walkie talkies at hand, rather one at the bottom was eating a packet of nuts and the one at the top was having a cigarette!!!
Once again I feel this is further evidence that festival organisers have absolutely NO concern for local residents.
Council is supposed to act in the best interests of ratepayers in
general, not just the ones who are in business. The developers behaved
as business people do. Residents need Council to be better. Councillors
need Council staff to do better.
A resident of Mitchells Road reported "I nearly got taken out by a pantec truck from sydney on Mitchells Rd at 8.40pm last night as I was heading home. It was coming out of Cedars drive. I didn't think there was meant to be any setup movement after 6pm on Thursday."
Article 55 of the Terms of Consent reads:
The erecting of the stage or ancillary set up and dismantling of for
the event shall be carried out only between the times stated as
Mondays to Fridays | 7.00a.m. to 6.00p.m. |
Saturdays and Sundays | 8.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. |
A resident of Mount Baker Road reported:
I think we have missed the main problem, speed. Three small cars coming from Bellbird way coming down the hill, the first one missed the lollipop man in his bright green vest altogether and was heading down to Millfield, amidst a lot of yelling was made aware, stopped then reversed back into our road in front of a ute travelling down Mt. Baker Rd., Could we have argued for a lower speed limit?
I notice the party goers new time of arrival is now after 12 midday, not the suggested 4pm and departure from there facebook talk not leaving till Monday. This has developed into quite a long weekend.
A resident of Mount Baker Road reported: ..." they have put a 60 speed sign up near goosewing." Another responded: "Do you really think 60 is a good speed for this event?" The first answered: "I didn't say that I just said they had put a speed sign where normally the road does not indicate any speed."
The nominal speed limit is 80 km/h. At the spot indicated, I wouldn't
exceed 40. For drivers not familiar with the conditions, a 25 km/h
advisory speed sign would be prudent.
Between Goosewing and the Mitchells Road intersection, there are two bends. One is a blind bend with a crest. The combination leads to the road surface dropping away from the wheels as a vehicle negotiates the bend. That can cause the wheels to lose traction, so the driver loses control.
I once rescued a young lady who had come to grief at that point. The vehicle was side-on to the traffic, nosed in to the bank, about ten metres from the crest. The slippery gravel surface prevented the driver reversing out. Had anyone rounded the bend at that moment, there would probably have been a collision.
Residents of Mitchells and King Roads report loud yelling and motorcycle noise from the event site until 5 am. One resident rang police, but was referred to Council (who don't operate on a Saturday).
A resident of Mount Baker Road wrote:
When I drove out, just before 8 this morning, there was not a soul to be seen. Coming back, just after 11, there was one bloke on the southern corner of the intersection of Mitchells & Mount View Roads. I didn't see any sign of a radio on him, so I checked down to Millfield. He was alone, so had no use for communications.
In the afternoon, four Police vehicles were spotted, heading down Mitchells Road toward Cedars. One witness wrote:
1 x It was a police van/ testing
1x dog car with dog/s
2x Police vehicles
Plaintive messages on Facebook about people lost in the Hunter. Some were apparently in Singleton and Denman. To be fair, the directions are a bit hard to follow.
Music and light show reportedly continued well after 11 pm. A resident of Mount Baker Road wrote: ..."music much louder tonight, flashing lights across the sky. I feel very sorry for the people closer. How any group of people calling themselves councillors for the people of Cessnock could do this beggars belief."
From a resident of Mount Baker Road: "The duration & timing of the event was an issue for us with [a baby] & [my husband] being on shift work."
From a resident of Mitchells Road:
I had no internet connection for the entire weekend. I believe that the wireless capacity would have been chewed up with ipads and other mobiles. We are on Next G wireless service from Telstra. I need the internet to work - so I had to drive down to Millfield several times to send and receive emails etc.
This is evidently far
from unique. Emergency alerts are issued
via SMS, so disruption of mobile reception poses risks beyond
residential and business impacts. If an event is to be held at that
location in future, then the developers should be required to prevent a
repeat of the problem.
From a resident of Mount Baker Road, on Wednesday the 24th:
The only food Vendors were;
There was contestant movement coming out of Cedars all night on all 3 days.
I did not personally see any damage the large trucks are still of concern to me. I don?t think council can argue just because there was on incidents this time does not mean there won't be in the future. One of the large trucks that supplied the sanitary left after 8pm on Monday night and there was no traffic control. There was also another large flatbed semi-trailer that left at 7am this morning again there was not traffic control it had to reverse into Mt Baker Road to be able to go down Mt View road towards Millfield.
There also seemed to be just as many vehicles arriving from the Bellbird side of Mt View Road this section of the road was not serviced by the Water Truck at any time over the weekend.
I did witness many cars driving too fast for the corner and almost wiping out the traffic controllers they had no lolly pop sign to help instruct drivers. There was a few vehicles that had to break suddenly and reverse back to get instruction as they were heading past Mitchells Road.
I would have expected to see "Event Signs" not "Road work" and more signs saying "event this way" or "turn left/ right in 50m/100m" to assist people. Rather than a person jumping out as a vehicle approaches them an 60km and has to suddenly stop to seek direction.
[My husband] also mentioned he noticed a lot of rubbish on the road on Saturday morning on his way to work.
When I attended Cedars on Friday I noticed that there were 2 young children (no older than 12) that were with the Fire Brigade that were giving direction to parking at the venue (presumably some ones children). This was meant to be un 18+ event NO EXCEPTION. I also am concerned that if the fire brigade were acting in official capacity and did need to attend an incident at the event or were called away to another local incident that these children could be exposed to danger and or prohibit the fire brigade from carrying out their duties.
![]() This work by David Boxall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License |
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