Dear Editor,
I refer to the article in last week's Advertiser, covering local residents' concerns for the proposed music festival at Mitchells Road, Mount View.
Interesting to note that Paved Way spokesperson Matt Weir states that he was "amazed by the beauty of the area".
Similarly the local residents are amazed by the beauty and tranquillity that this area provides on a daily basis.
Permanent residents chose to live in this area for these reasons.
We do not suffer from sleep deprivation caused by excessive noise for three consecutive days, nor do we suffer anti-social behaviour or have to endure excessive vehicle movements on a single lane road.
Although it would seem, if Paved Way are successful in their attempt to have the proposed music festival approved by council then the exact beauty we enjoy shall diminish. This event would open up this area to a social influence not seen previously.
The majority of neighbouring properties have objected twice so far with the application heading to council this Wednesday evening.
One would hope that council will take into account the genuine concerns of the permanent residents and reject this application in its entirety.
Paul Newman
Mitchells Road, Mount View.
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